Illustrations: Paint

I REMEMBER the first Personal Computer that entered our household and was recieved with ambivalent reactions by my mother but with childish enthousiasm of my dad and I. You could type a sentence and undo it when you were not satisfied with wat you wrote. An unheared of and entirely new feature! 

Paint, a seemingly rudimentary painter program on our PC,  thrived on the undo and redo function. Soon our hard disc was too small to contain the wilderness of bitmap drawings that sprouted like knobs on a tree from my hand /<DOS>

I `m still convinced Paint is one of the best drawing programs in it's stupid simplicity and straightforward 'drawing lines, filling up, duplicating' - principle.
No filter fuzz, no smuggling with layers, blur or gradient tools. Any 3-year old could work this program. Here, limits seem to be a great asset.


 ...using the 'line' tool...

.... inserting photographs...

 ... text and photographs...


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